“Climate innovation is value creation. The faster we adopt that perspective, the faster we get the results we need - and it’s good business.”

Meet JoAnn

Innovator. Advisor.
Sustainability and Technology Leader.
Lifelong Entreprenuer.

Elephants and goats have a lot to teach us about innovation—if we know how to listen.

Our senses absorb signals from the environment that help us anticipate disruptions and opportunities, if we develop our antenna. Learn how.

The Adaptive Cycle of Innovation: 4 Ways to Avoid the Rigidity Trap

We don’t control where any given product is within the adaptive cycle. All we can control is how prepared we are for it.

More about JoAnn

What partners say about JoAnn

“...she brings a passion to her work that I have rarely seen equaled in my business career. JoAnn is a rare talent and a valued colleague.”

Rick Heimann, Fmr. Director Energy Services, Johnson Controls